Monday we decided to drive south 130 miles to check out the gulf coast. Aransas Pass and Rockport to be exact. They are little beach towns on the gulf coast of Texas. The RV parks down there are also a lot cheaper than here. Rod had done lots of research on the parks in the area so we were armed with a huge list. We set the alarm for 8:00 and were on the road by 9:30 or so. Can you believe I didn't even take any pictures??
We started our search by checking out this lot in Aransas Pass. There's a blog I read called Gypsy Journal written by Nick Russell. He had stated in his blog there was an empty space next to where he was parked and the price was really good. He wasn't there when we got there so we left a note with our phone number and continued our search. We really didn't find anything that we liked in Aransas Pass so we went down the road a little bit to Rockport. As we were looking around there Nick called so we drove back. We met Nick and his wife Terry at their converted MCI bus. They've done an amazing job restoring their bus and it's gorgeous. We talked for a little while and had a nice time. They were meeting some friends later for dinner and graciously invited us to join them. We still had some other places to look at so we told them we would if we got our business taken care of. We showed up at the Chinese restaurant (one of Nick's favorites) about a half hour late. This buffet was huge and the food was excellent. We met Wes and Jan, who also have a blog that I've read and I can't remember the names of the other couple. That's really bad, I'm usually very good with names. Anyway, it was a great visit and I'm looking forward to going back down there and getting to spend some time with these nice people.
Nick & Terry on top right, I can't believe I cut off Wes on left and Jan on right. The "nameless" couple are top left.
We did find a place for a reasonable rate and it's on a lake so we did find some water to put the boat in. It's called Big D RV Resort and it's owned by the father of Dat Nguyen who is a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys and grew up in this area. It's not out in the woods or even in the trees but it will do for a few months before we move up to Kerrville in March. The rate is $260 a month plus electric. Our reservation goes until the 20th of February so we'll be going somewhere else for those eight days till the first of March.
We'll probably come back here to San Antonio and visit with John and Erica again before we head out of town. But I'm getting way ahead of myself. We still have until the 20th of this month before we leave. We'll probably have an early Christmas with them with a rib roast and stuff. I did buy a little tree at Home Depot but I'm very disappointed with it. We call it our Christmas "stick". I think we'll get rid of it after Christmas and get a better one next year.
Our Christmas "stick"
What is that to the left of the tree? Looks like a freezer? Is that a ice maker on top. Looks like you are ready for a party!!! can we come??
Joe and Sherri
Yes Speedy, that is a freezer and an icemaker. They don't call us the "party people" for nothing. LOL You are more than welcome to come party with us. You know where we are.......... :)
Awwww, you found a Charlie Brown Christmas tree... how cute!
Oh Deb, I love your tree. I am famous for Charlie Brown trees. LOL
I am so glad that you are going to be in Rockport. We almost considered Big D, but have friends that own Last Resort. I am sure we will find time to visit.
We looked at Last Resort but they didn't have any openings for us. :(
Deb, we're going to Rockport in February and have made reservations at Big D! Thanks for the advance "review." We had looked at The Last Resort 'cause that's where Mark & Dortha will be, but they were too expensive for us. We'll be there the first part of February, so hopefully we'll get to meet!
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